Photoshop Development
Fashion Illustrations
Hand-Printed Sample
Final Pieces
Made with digitally printed fabric
Made with digitally printed fabric
End of Year Exhibition "Weave come sew far"
So I'm finally finished my degree in Textiles in Art and Design in GMIT and my class and I had our End of Year Exhibition "Weave come sew far" last week. Here's a summary of my project from my research right through to my final pieces. All the prints feature my own paint work which I scanned onto Photoshop and the rest is history. I got my fabric printed on and I couldn't be happier with the results! It's bittersweet to finally be finished college, happy to say goodbye deadlines but very sad to say goodbye to the amazing friends I've made over the years! The next stage of my life begins next week when I move to Long Island, NY for the summer and with that will be the start of the transformation of my blog into a fashion & photography blog. Very exciting times ahead <3
amazing outcome!! well done to you and your classmates =) I can sense i'll be seeing more of you in the future =)